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sword hilt meaning in Hindi

sword hilt sentence in Hindi
sword    खड्ग तलवार
hilt    मूठ हत्था क़ब्ज़ा
1.Their weapons were often richly decorated on areas such as sword hilts.

2.It consisted of the blade of a scythe to which a sword hilt was attached.

3.Some soldiers'hands were missing, along with the artilleryman's sword hilt and the cavalry officer's spurs.

4.Displayed next to it was a box of rusted metal buckles for samurai sword hilts.

5.Banza challenges Nagoya, striking his sword hilt.

6.When Elmar wields Tirving, she meets the blood thirsty sword hilt in the form of a woman.

7.Muslims, believing that it stanched the flow of blood, favored it for knife handles and sword hilts.

8.Zygon strangles Elan to death, but Orin escapes this fate when Zygon is distracted by the sword hilt.

9.Suzuki gives him the Sword of Trials, a sword hilt that changes into whatever weapon suits the wielder.

10.Enraged, Sigurd grips his sword hilt and orders Gutthorm to say no more if he values his life.

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How to say sword hilt in Hindi and what is the meaning of sword hilt in Hindi? sword hilt Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.